Sunday, February 12, 2017 2:30pm at Macau Cultural Center, 109 J Street (corner of Niles Blvd.), Fremont, CA 94536
Our AGM is held once a year where a new Board will be elected for a 1-yr term with a maximum of 5 consecutive terms. Please join us and contribute your ideas. If you are unable to come, please mail in your proxy to be received by Feb. 11th as we need at least 20% of our membership to vote by ballot or proxy at the meeting to elect your new Board regardless of an uncontested slate. Only members as of September 20, 2016 and over age 18 are eligible to vote and will receive a ballot/proxy to vote.
The nominees for the 2017 Lusitano Board are as follows:
Director & President: Chris daRoza
Director & Vice-President: Maria Roliz
Director & Secretary: Annie Puska
Director & Treasurer: Dorothy Oliveira
Directors: Michael Carion, Maria Joao da Cruz, Nuno da Cruz, Ken Harper, Kirk Harper & Jessica Xavier